14 Facts About Carrots You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered if eating carrots helps your eyesight? Or how about the secret world of bunny rabbits out there? And do you know if the carrot is a fruit, vegetable or a cereal grain? Did you know that carrots have saved more lives than penicillin? Or that they can hold over 6,000 seeds on a single root? I bet you never even thought about all the uses of carrots and their many health benefits. Here’s 14 surprising facts about carrots that will have you thinking twice the next time you consider eating one.

1. How many calories are in carrots?

The average carrot contains about 41 calories. In fact, one cup of sliced carrots contains about 156 calories. This is higher than most other vegetables, but not by much. For example, one cup of broccoli contains about 58 calories, while one cup of celery has only 16 calories.

2. Are carrots vegetables?

Carrots are root vegetables that belong to the family Apiaceae and the genus Daucus. They are native to Eurasia and North Africa but have been widely cultivated since ancient times and are now also grown in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa

3. Can you drink too much carrot juice?

Whether you love the taste of carrot juice or you’re just trying to stay healthy there’s no denying drinking carrot juice has many great health advantages. But is there such a thing as too much of a good thing. Well, as it turns out there is such a thing as drinking too much carrot juice as it can lead to carotenemia a temporary condition which causes the skin to turn to a yellowish tint due to all the excess beta-carotene in your blood system. Therefore, it’s best to stick with no more than half a glass or 4 ounces a day.

4. Where are carrots grown?

In ancient times carrots were grown in what is known today as modern-day Iran and Afghanistan. However today things have changed, and carrots are now being grown around the world. Currently China is the world’s biggest producer of carrots accounting for around one third of the world’s supply. Other countries include Israel, United States, Uzbekistan, Russia and many more.

5. How many carrots can I eat in a day?

Carrots are nutritious and delicious and make a great snack or an addition to your meal. But how many carrots is too many? Is there even such as thing as too many. Most people should be able to consume around 2 carrots a day without experiencing any negative side effect. For example, if you eat between 3-10 carrots a day within a couple of weeks you can end up with a condition where you skin begin to turn orange from too much beta-carotene in the blood.

 6. Do carrots contain Vitamin C?

The wonders of carrots never cease to amaze us. In addition to all the other great health benefits associated with carrots they also contain around 5.9 milligrams of Vitamin C per individual serving. They’re also rich in Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Potassium and Lutein. Talk about a vitamin rich vegetable.

7. When should you plant carrot seeds?

If you’re looking to plant carrots and make the most of the right weather and temperature conditions then you’re probably asking yourself, when is the right time to start planting. Ideally you should aim to start planting for your first harvest in early spring and continue throughout the summer months. This will allow you to keep harvesting until the start of the winter season, so you make the most of the seasonal weather conditions.

8. When should you harvest your carrots?

You’ve sown your seeds and prepared the ground for you fresh crop of carrots, but now what. How long do you need to wait before you can harvest your crops. Carrots will take between 12 to 16 weeks from the moment you planted your seeds until you can harvest a fresh batch of delicious carrots.

9. Are there benefits to eating carrots on an empty stomach?

In a recent survey, responders were asked if they thought it would make any difference when they consumed a carrot or if eating it on an empty stomach had any added benefits, most answered no. The majority assumed as long as it’s fresh your body would absorb it the same way. It turns out they were wrong. In fact, if you consume a carrot on an empty stomach your body will absorb the maximum amount of Vitamin A and other vitamins contained in carrots.

10. Can you plant carrots from seeds?

Did you know that carrots can be grown using seeds. These carrots will not always turn out as straight as the ones you may be used to seeing at your local supermarket, but they taste much better and are totally worth the effort.

11. What is the lifecycle of carrots?

Carrots will ultimately go through four stages of growth before they are ready to be harvested. The first stage known as seed germination begins in first few weeks while the seeds absorb water and continue to grow. The second stage is seedling growth which is when the first leaves start to show. Stage three is known as vegetative growth and is the part when photosynthesis begins. Finally stage four called reproductive growth is when you need to harvest your carrots otherwise, they enter a period of dormancy in order to survive winter weather and soil conditions.

12. How long do carrots take to cook?

The amount of time it takes to cook carrots can vary depending on if you’re cooking them chopped, whole or using baby carrots. If you’re looking to boil them, you’ll need do so for 4-5 mins if your using chopped carrots. If you’re boiling baby carrots, you’ll need 6-7 mins. Lastly if you’re boiling a whole carrot, you’ll need 10-15 mins.

13. How many varieties of carrots are there?

There are four main types of carrots to choose from.

  • The Imperator as the name implies refers to the impressive size and taste of the carrot. They have a high sugar content and are great for eating fresh as a healthy snack.
  • The Danvers is more the generic type of carrot we’re all used to seeing at our local supermarkets. They are medium length with rounded shoulders and pointy tips.
  • The Nantes are grown in exclusively in France and have a distinct and refined look to them. They’re great for eating fresh or for juicing.
  • The Chantenay have short roots and can grow through rocky soil and clay better than any of the other carrot types. They have a rich flavor and are easy to store for longer periods of time.

14. Where do carrot seeds come from?

If you were ever wondering where carrots seeds come from then you wouldn’t be the first. Unsurprisingly they come from carrots but more specifically they come from the flowery area at the top of the carrot. They usual fall when there is a gust of wind or if they are shaken.

Wrapping it all up

So, what did you think about our 14 facts about carrots? They’re a great source of nutrition and have an extensive list of benefits for the body. Don’t let their color trick you into thinking they aren’t worth eating. Carrots are able to provide you with a plethora of health benefits. So, what are you waiting start adding carrots to your daily diet for a healthy and tasty snack or as part of a delicious meal.